A one-of-a-kind limited edition volume that retailed for $850 and came in a bespoke wood-and-glass slipcase. A massive collection of images of the Rat Pack, their lives, times, and accomplices, much of it literally never seen before, not by me or anyone else. Culled from the archives of show biz photographers who worked for studios, ad agencies, and the Rat Pack themselves, it shows Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Peter Lawford, John Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Humphrey Bogart, Judy Garland, and many, many others in moments of play, celebration, rehearsal, and intimacy; in outtakes from photo shoots that produced iconic images; and on movie sets, in airports and restaurants, at home, and on nightclub stages. Gorgeously reproduced, curated, and made, with an introduction, chapter text, and captions by yours truly. From the geniuses at Real Art Press, the great Tony Nourmand leading the way.