Mad about the boy: Bud Brando (via Kardea)
Category: film (Page 4 of 45)
Mad about the boy: Harry Ford (via ErrolFlynns)
Carbonite George
The balcony is open
Lads: Marlon and Sidney
Vesti la Giubba
Being geniuses together: Lollobrigida & Mangano (via ALadyLoves)
You gotta see it: “The Road Warrior”
The Nutty Professor Emeritus
The kid Martin
Creepy Brando
Being geniuses together: Brando, Woodward, Magnani, Lumet & Kaufman
You gotta see it: “Mon Oncle”
Such devoted sisters: Sophia Loren & Anna Maria Scicolone
Ahoy, BB!
Lads: Dennis & Nick
Things that happened: Messers Baldwin, Lancaster, Heston, Brando, Davis Jr., Poitier & Belafonte march on Washington