The post below was starting to get a bit long and unwieldy, so I thought I’d break out this second batch on its own. As before, most complimentary on top, and downward from there.
“Hello….Newman!” — PowellsBooks.Blog — May 9
“Newman’s Own Appeal” — Washington Post, May 9
(There’s also a podcast of me talking with an editor from the Post’s Book World.)
“Graceful tribute to one-of-a-kind man Paul Newman” — Seattle Times, May 10
Oregonian Film Critic Traces Paul Newman’s Artistic Journey — The Oregonian, May 8 (This one is in a category of its own, not only because it is particularly kind, but because — and this is a mite embarassing — I work there. If it’s any consolation, I’ve had a bad review in The Oregonian in my time.)