The gavels are still ringing down around the country:
“‘Paul Newman: A Life'” — The Christian Science Monitor, May 16 (The same writer, Stephen Humphries, has more to say about the book in this entry on his blog.)
“Paul Newman: A Life in Movies, Theater and Salad Dressing” — Time, May 19
“The Book on Newman” — Westport Magazine, June 2009
And here’s a mini-featurette from the New York Times Book Review in honor of the daffiest news of all: the book appeared as #13 on the nonfiction hardback bestseller list. (Note that the printed Times runs these things a week later, so that, apparently, this won’t appear in the paper until May 24.)
“Newman’s Blue Eyes Roved During ‘Butch Cassidy’ Filming” — Bloomberg News, May 17